Friday 23 January 2015

Fructose - you can go to hell...?

So, it has been a while.  Why? Well, I got a little lazy/busy.  Uni/mum/wife lazy/busy. I still tried to restrict my naughty sugary habits, but frankly I was veering away from the whole 'quitting' thing.  It felt a bit fad like.

Now I'm beginning to regret that, but perhaps I should be grateful.  You see I've not been well for the last two months.  I have had some nasty stomach issues that have/are taking some serious detective work.

It all started 'suddenly'.  I ate something I can usually eat, then BAM! within 20 minutes I was in cramping agony and couldn't actually move for the rest of the day. This then spiraled out of control, to the point where I couldn't eat for around six weeks without experiencing various degrees of pain. And other unpleasant effects - runny stool and severe bloating of the I look pregnant kind.  (Sorry guys, but I figure honesty is the best policy). It was so bad I spent weeks seeking medical advice, including a trip to emergency as we thought it could be chronic appendicitis.

Over the course of weeks I underwent blood tests and and ultrasound, whilst completing a food diary in case it was a diet issue (I have to thank my bestie here, for pushing me to do that).  All the tests came up clear - it wasn't pancreatitis, no gall bladder issues. The diary did indicate that one of the issues was suddenly egg. (Still haven't figured that one out though, beyond I may have OD'ed on them - I was eating one every day for breaky for almost 12 months).

My doctor, bless him, took me seriously.  Although he couldn't find anything medical he referred me to a gastroenterologist. Who was lovely while telling me that he could not see a medical reason for my symptoms either.  BUT he suggested I might be having an issue with FODMAP's.

This is interesting, as I have looked at this before.  I have been unable to eat avocado for many years, due to it giving me the same symptoms I am now having, and I have also been having issues with wheat products.  (Not a coeliac, had the test!)  I didn't want to go down the FODMAP diet path if it wasn't necessary though, as it can be very restrictive while you're figuring out which sugars are the issue.  The good news is I am being tested for fructose mal-absorption via a breath test.

I eagerly await the results, but in the meantime I am forcing my self to take the time to look into reducing certain FODMAP foods to try and ease my symptoms until I get confirmation that this is (or perhaps isn't) my issue. At the very least I am hopeful that I can get my gut to readjust and be happy again, and maybe get to eat egg again!

So I will be blogging again, but I feel that it will take a slightly different feel than I originally intended, all for the better though.

If you're interested in finding more about the FODMAP diet go here.

Until next time feel free to leave a comment about your own FODMAP, fructose and ill gut stories.

Thursday 8 May 2014

Oh yum!

Grilled banana- seriously one of my faves at the moment. Who needs refined sugar when you've got these babies? Add a little butter to the pan and you've got some serious deliciousness! Had it on my porridge this morn- not the best pic (or the best looking porridge - note to self, get up earlier to cook porridge properly!) but it was so yum! 

Thursday 17 April 2014


Yep, find and follow for more sugar free goodies

Savoury treat

These are the most delicious treat I have had in a long time. Pepper and cashews, what is there to not love? I purchased these babies from Twins Pantry at the Bendigo Easter Fair. They also do the Bendigo Farmers Markets amongst others, or you can order online at

Oh no!

What a fail! Choosing Easter weekend to start being totally sugar free. First hurdle- not being at home at lunch time, unprepared. Oh dear. Sausage in bread, tomato sauce...fructose overload. Excuse? I was hungry.

I am not going to beat myself up about this though, just be more prepared for this in the future.  Fingers crossed I can resist chocolate over the next few days- and my Nana's trifle. Seriously the best trifle in the world....must resist...

Wednesday 16 April 2014

In the beginning

Here it is. The start of a new era. Being sugar free is something that I have toyed with for the 13 years. This is due to two reasons- putting on weight when I was still a teenager, and then the beginning of a 12 year long career as a dental assistant.  I have never gone completely sugar free, but I can say that I have lived mostly sugar reduced for this time.

I have been inspired and intrigued by Sarah Wilsons' journey to quit sugar, but I am going to ease myself in.  First step is dropping all pre packaged products, which shouldn't be too onerous as it's not a large purchase in this house.

So, golden rule #1- if it's in a packet, don't eat it. Fingers crossed we don't slip too early in!